A low calorie look at life, writing and cake.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Profundities and Parasites

I've been so busy with the new book (and writing the next one!) that I haven't blogged for a little while so while I'm writing and procrastinating I thought I'd post this. If you're bored and need to pass the time why not listen to me waffling on? It's all rather high brow and intellectual - I address deep and meaningful issues like cellulite, I'm a Celebrity, parasites and dieting. These are just a few of my favourite things... who needs raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens?
Just click on the link My Chat with Tammy and drag the cursor along to 20:20 where you can hear my profound thoughts in a chat with the divine BBC Radio's TammyGooding, until the BBC wipe it!

                                           Tammy Gooding on BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester

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